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--> Himalayan Salt and Himalayan Salt LampsHimalayan Pink Salt, Himalayan Salt Block, Sea Salt, Bath Salts, Rock Salt Inhalers, Iodized Salt, Salt Lamp Benefits, and much more【電子書籍】[ William Cook ]/シーソルト 100年を作る会社


Himalayan Salt and Himalayan Salt LampsHimalayan Pink Salt, Himalayan Salt Block, Sea Salt, Bath Salts, Rock Salt Inhalers, Iodized Salt, Salt Lamp Benefits, and much more【電子書籍】[ William Cook ]





<p><u><em><strong>Make salt your medicine, not your poison!</strong></em></u></p><p><strong>Guaranteed to answer all your questions, this book is the definitive guide to Himalayan salt and Himalayan salt lamps.</strong></p><p>Written in an easy to read and understandable style and packed with useful, important, and powerful information, it will show you how to harness the power and unlock the potential of Himalayan salt.</p><p>Topics covered include:-</p> <ul> <li>Himalayan salt health benefits discussed in detail</li> <li>Why you should NEVER use ordinary table salt</li> <li>Himalayan salt lamps (crystal lamps/rock salt lamps) and their benefits</li> <li>Sea salt</li> <li>Healing properties of Himalayan bath salts</li> <li>Scientific studies and results</li> <li>Himalayan salt water ? simple, but so powerful</li> <li>Salt inhalers (salt pipes)</li> <li>Cooking with Himalayan salt blocks</li> <li>Benefits to the skin</li> <li>Fun and fascinating facts about salt</li> <li>Iodized salt</li> <li>A really useful salt lamp buyer’s guide</li> <li>Gift ideas</li> <li>... and much, much more!</li> </ul> <p>You will discover in detail everything you need to know about this wonderful, natural product and William Cook will show you its full value and amazing health benefits.</p> <p><strong>This book is a must have for anybody interested in their health and wanting to find out all about Himalayan salt and Himalayan salt lamps.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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